Dr. Vinod Kukunoor, Chairman of KFF, Receives a Doctorate of Honors

At Pondicherry, India on March 30th 2024, Vinod has been recognized as Dr. Kukunoor for his amazing work within his field of Informational Technology. 

Kavin Kukunoor and Fayaz and the rest of the KFF team are honored to announce that prestigious organization, Global Human Peace University”, USA has honored Kavin Friendly Foundation Chairman Mr. Vinod Kukunoor “Doctorate of Honors” in the field of “Informational Technology”

Here is a link to a Youtube video detailing his experience while receiving award at Pondicherry, India

KFF Charity Football Tournament

Kavin Friendly Foundation sponsored a recent football tournament on March 9th in the Abdul Kalam Stadium at Karimnager, Hyderabad. This was a tournament for charity, and KFF sponsored the awards for the event.
Chairman Vinod Kukunoor, COO Kavin Kukunoor, Dr. Kavitha Kukunoor, and President Fayaz were glad to help organize this event on auspicious day (Maha Shiva Ratri). The honorable guests were Sri Makkan Singh Raj Takur and Sri Badhavath Shanker Nayak.